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Friday 7 August 2015

Sweet Pumpkin Erissery

Pumpkin is a very common backyard vegetable. The greatest  plus-point of pumpkin is that it is a low calorie food item. Our humble pumpkin is very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, antioxidants and minerals like calcium, potassium etc. 
Pumpkin is a great cholesterol controller. It is also recommended for those who are trying to reduce their weight. Pumpkin has anti-cancerous properties too. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of fibre and it is good for the heart as it contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA).
As far as cooks are concerned pumpkins can be converted into different variety of dishes. One can make curries, soups and desserts. Every part of the pumpkin vine can be cooked and consumed - leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds. 

1. Remove the skin from the pumpkin, wash and cut into cubes. Pressure cook the pumpkin pieces with 1 cup of water. Set aside to cool.( If you have soaked red gram, pressure cook it along with the pumpkin pieces.)
2. Grind together 3/4 cup grated coconut, cumin seeds, garlic, red chilly powder and turmeric powder into a moderately fine paste.
3. Mash the cooked pumpkin pieces, add the ground mixture and salt to taste. Bring to a boil. If it has thickened too much add a little water to loosen it. Do NOT make it watery.
4. Place a pan on the fire, pour oil, When it starts to boil add all the other seasoning ingredients and stir fry on medium flame. When the coconut turns brown, remove from fire and add the seasoning into the prepared pumpkin erissery and mix well.
Serve with rice.  


  • Ripe Pumpkin - 500 grams
  • Soaked red gram - a handful ( optional )
  • Grated Coconut - 1 cup (divided into 2 parts, use 1/4 cup for seasoning )
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • cumin seeds - 1 pinch
  • Red chilly powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Water
  • Salt

For Seasoning:

  • Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
  • Mustard seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Shallot - 1 ( finely chopped )
  • Whole red chilly - 1 ( broken into 2 or 3 pieces )
  • Split black gram - 1 teaspoon
  • Curry leaves - 1 sprig
  • Oil - 2 teaspoons

Monday 3 August 2015

Pepper Potato

Potato is a very common vegetable / tuber, available in abundance throughout the year. Most of us love the taste of potatoes. This is a starchy vegetable. Potato does not provide cholesterol and does not contain sodium. It is also fat-free. It contains more potassium than banana, spinach or broccoli. Vitamin C is abundant in Potato, so is vitamin B6. It is also a provider of dietary fiber. Traces of other essential minerals are also present in it. 

1. Peel, wash and cube the potatoes.
2. Combine together potato pieces, red chilly powder, turmeric powder, black pepper powder, curry leaves and salt. Set aside for 10 minutes.

3. Heat a shallow fry pan, pour oil. When the oil starts to boil add the potato mix and stir for a few seconds on medium flame. Cover with a lid and allow the potato pieces to cook. After a few minutes remove the lid and flip the pieces. Again cover and cook. When the potato is cooked, remove the lid and allow to fry. Flip a few times so that the potato pieces are evenly fried.
4. Serve hot.


  • Potatoes -  3 - 4 medium sized
  • Red chilly powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon ( crushed coarsely )
  • Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil - 2 tablespoons

Sunday 2 August 2015

Green Tomato Curry

Tomatoes and potatoes belong to the same family. Like potatoes, tomatoes are available round the year. This is a low-calorie vegetable/fruit. Fresh ones are rich in potassium. Tomatoes are a rich source of anti-oxidants which protects one from various types of cancers. Lycopene, an anti-oxidant which is present only in tomatoes protects skin from UV-rays. Tomato is also good for eye-health. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and beta carotenes. 


Wash and cut each tomato into 8 pieces. Peel the onions and slice into thin pieces. Wash and soak the gambooge in half cup of water. Slit the green chilly.

Grind together the grated coconut, chilly powder, turmeric powder and garlic with little water into a smooth paste.

Cook the tomato, onion and green chilly in a cup of water. Cover and cook in medium flame. When it is well cooked, add the coconut paste, salt and the soaked gambooge. Allow to boil. Add water to adjust the consistancy. Bring to a boil. Add a pinch of fenugreek powder and remove from flame.

Heat a pan, add all the seasoning ingredients. When the mustard start to splutter, pour the seasoning over the green tomato curry.
Serve with rice.


  • Green Tomatoes - 3 to 4
  • Grated coconut - 1 cup
  • Green chilly - 3 to 4
  • Onion - 1 medium sized
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Chilly powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Gambooge (kudampuli) - 1 or 2 pieces
  • Roasted fenugreek powder - 1 pinch
  • Salt
  • Water

For seasoning:

  • Mustard seeds - very little
  • Whole red chilly - 1 (broken into 2 or 3 pieces)
  • Shallots 1 (thinly sliced)
  • Curry leaves - a few
  • Oil - 1 - 2 teaspoon

Drumstick Thoran

Moringa Oleifera, is the botanical name of Drumstick. The flowers and  leaves are also edible. All these are not only nutritious, but also has great medicinal value. The drumstick which is used in the recipe is a great source of vitamin C, B-complex and MUFA. Moringa leaves are said to contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more Vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more potassium than bananas and also contains iron and zinc, which helps hair growth. 

Pulse the grated coconut, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, cumin seeds and garlic into a coarse mixture.

Scrape the skin off the drumsticks. Wash them and cut into 3" pieces. Slit each piece through the center. Place the pieces in a pan, pour half cup of water. Cover and cook on medium flame. Add little salt halfway through cooking. Before all the water dries up add the coconut mix, lower the flame, mix thoroughly, adjust salt. Allow the water to dry up completely. Remove from flame.

Heat a pan, add all the seasoning ingredients. When the mustard starts spluttering, pour the seasoning over the drumstick and mix well.
Serve with rice.


  • Drumsticks - 2 (medium size)
  • Grated coconut - 1/3 cup
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • cumin seeds = 2 pinch
  • Turmeric powder  - 2 pinch
  • Red chilli powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt
  • Water

For Seasoning:

  • Mustard seeds - very little
  • Whole red chilli - 1 (broken into 2 or 3 pieces)
  • Shallots 1 (thinly sliced)
  • Curry leaves - a few
  • Oil - 1 - 2 teaspoon

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Idiyappam with Vegetable Stew

Idiyappam is a south - indian breakfast dish. This is also known as stringed hopper. Rice flour is the main ingredient. Here i have used the pink rice flour. This is a steamed dish.

Method:To prepare Idiyappam

Place the rice flour in a stainless steel bowl. Boil the water adding salt. When the water starts boiling, make a well in the center of the rice flour and pour the boiling water into it. Using a wooden spatula mix the flour and water thoroughly. Remove the spatula, Cover the dough with a lid and set aside to cool. When it is cool / warm enough, knead the dough using your hand. Add coconut oil or ghee while kneading. Make a smooth dough ball.
Take an idiyappam press a small ball of the dough into it and squeeze into idly moulds.
Steam in an idly cooker for 7 minutes.
If you are using grated coconut, you can add a teaspoon of it in each mould before squeezing the dough over it.
Ingredients: For Idiyappam:                                                                       Makes 24 idiyappams

Rice Flour -2 1/4 cups ( i used pink rice flour )
Boiling water - 2 1/2 cups
Salt to taste or 1 - 1 1/2 teaspoon
Coconut oil / Ghee - 1 - 2 tablespoon
Grated Coconut - 1/2 cup ( optional )

Method: to prepare Vegetable Stew

Heat oil in a medium sized pan. Add all the seasoning ingredients. When the cloves start spluttering, add the finely chopped onions and saute it. When the onion is well sauteed ( Do Not brown ), add ginger-garlic paste, when the raw smell disappears add coriander, chilly and turmeric powder. Stir for a few seconds and add the finely chopped tomato. Saute the tomato and slit green chillies for a minute. Add the chopped vegetables and water, cover and cook for a few minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. Add the black pepper. If the gravy has dried up add little water, add salt to taste. Now add the garam masala and coconut milk. Stir well. Do not boil after adding coconut milk. Remove from flame. Check salt once more. If it is less add more and adjust taste.
Serve with idiyappam

Ingredients: For Vegetable Stew:

Vegetables cut into 1 centimeter cubes - 1 cup ( potato, carrot, cauliflower, beans etc )
Onion chopped - 1 medium
Tomato chopped - 1
Green chilly slit - 2
Ginger-garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
Coconut milk - 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Chilly powder - 1/2 - 1 teaspoon
Coriander powder - 2 teaspoon
Crushed black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon
Garam masala - 1/2 teaspoon
Water 1/2 cup

For Seasoning:

Cloves - 3
Cinnamon stick - 1 inch piece
Cardamom -2
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Oil - 1 tablespoon

Note: Potatoes in Coconut milk is also a very good side-dish for idiyappam. Click the link for the recipe.   Potatoes in coconut milk

Monday 13 July 2015

Instant Channa Masala

Chickpeas also known as Garbanzo beans or bengal gram must be a part of our daily diet. It is so nutritious that one cannot avoid it. It should be a part of the diet of  diabetics and people with high blood pressure. It contains lots of potassium and many other essential minerals which is good for bone health and the heart. Selenium a mineral present in chickpeas prevent tumor growth.

 This is a very easy and tasty side dish made with split chickpeas.

Heat oil in a pan and saute the chopped onion and tomato. Do Not brown. When it is well sauteed add the turmeric, coriander and chilli powders, Stir and add the garam masala powder. Now add the boiled channa and stir, Add salt and chaat masala. Bring to a boil. Remove from stove. Serve garnished with coriander leaves.
Serve with roti.


  • Boiled split chickpea with water - 1/2 cup
  • Onion - 1 finely chopped
  • Tomato -1 finely chopped
  • Oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Coriander powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Chilly powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Garam masala powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Chaat masala - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Coriander leaves - 1 tablespoon chopped
  • Salt

An adaptation from Sanjeev Kapoor recipe.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Red Velvet Cup Cakes


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree C. Line 12 muffin cups with cup cake liners. Sift together All purpose flour, corn flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
2. Beat the butter until soft and fluffy.
3. Add icing sugar and beat at high speed for 5 minutes. or till the mixture becomes creamy, pale and fluffy.
4. Now add the egg and beat at medium high for 1 minute or until the mixture becomes soft and creamy. Add vanilla and beat till well combined.
5. Whip the curd in your mixie, Do Not add water. To this add the red food coloring and blend well.
6, Add half of the flour mix into the butter mix and fold gently ( low speed ), add half of the buttermilk mix and gently mix.
7. Add the second half of the flour mix and gently fold, add the remaining buttermilk mix and blend well. Do Not over beat.
8. In another bowl add baking soda and vinegar and mix. Pour this frizzing mixture into the cake batter and fold well.
9. Spoon this into the prepared muffin tins and bake for 15 minutes. Insert a tooth pick into the center of one of the cup cakes to check if it comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack.

Cream Cheese frosting:

1.Beat together cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well combined, maybe 2 minutes.
2. Now add the heavy whipping cream and beat at high speed, for 3 - 5 minutes until the mixture leaves beater marks and is medium to stiff peaks.
3. Fit in a big star nozzle  and squeeze the frosting on each of the cupcakes.
4. You can keep it out for a day, remaining ones can be refrigerated and thawed before serving.


Unsalted butter - 70 grams
Icing sugar -  3/4 cup
Egg - 1
Pure vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
All purpose flour -  1 cup
Corn flour - 1/4 cup
Cocoa Powder 1 tablespoon
Baking Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
Thick curd - 1/2 cup ( to make buttermilk )
Red food colouring - 1 tablespoon
Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
Vineger - 1/2 teaspoon

Cream Cheese Frosting:

Cream cheese - 120 grams
Icing sugar - 1/4 cup
Pure Vanilla Extract - 1 teaspoon
Heavy Whipping cream - 1/3 cup (dairy or non-dairy with 30% or more fat content )

Courtesy Joyofbaking

Friday 10 July 2015

Masala Peanuts

Peanuts though a high calorie food, does not support weight gain. Good source of protein, fat, and copper. Contains Vitamin E, niacin and folate. Like fruits, peanuts are a store-house of anti-oxidants. So it has anti-cancerous properties, especially colorectal cancer. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids ( MUFA ), which is very good for heart health. Consume, at least, twice a week. Roasting increases the anti-oxidant quality of peanuts. Among popular fruits, only pomegranate has more antioxidants than peanuts. Consumption of peanuts protects against Alzheimer's and age- related brain degeneration.

This is one snack you can prepare with minimum effort. And can be stored away for a few days. 


In a bowl mix  all the ingredients( 1 - 9). Sprinkle some water and mix, so that the spices are coated well on the peanuts.
Heat oil in a pan.When it starts boiling add peanut mixture and deep fry on medium high flame. Separate the peanuts while frying, otherwise it will form one big lump.
Fry until light brown, turning occasionally.Drain on a paper towel.

In the same oil fry the crushed garlic and the curry leaves. Add these to the fried peanuts and mix well. Cool and store in air-tight containers.

Serve with hot tea / coffee.


1.Raw peanuts - 1 cup
2.Chickpea flour / Besan - 3 tablespoon
3.Rice flour - 1 tablespoon
4.Ginger- garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
5.Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
6.Red chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
7.Asafoetida - 1 pinch
8.Fennel seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
9.Salt to taste

Garlic crushed - 2 - 3 cloves
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Oil for deep frying

Adapted from Suresh Palayil's recipe.Original recipe called for more red chilli powder.

Thursday 9 July 2015

No Cook Sweet and Chewy Snack


In a bowl mix together rice flakes and grated coconut. Mix well using your fingers. Keep aside for ten minutes.
Add jaggery syrup ( or grated jaggery ), honey and sesame seeds to the rice flake mixture, mix well using a spoon.
If you like the taste of roasted chickpeas, add it. It increases the protein content.
Serve as a snack.


Rice Flakes / Poha - 1/2 cup
Grated Coconut - 1/4 cup
Jaggery / Molasses syrup - 1 1/2 tablespoon OR grated Jaggery - 1/4 cup
Honey - 1/2 tablespoon
Sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon
Roasted split chickpea - 1 tablespoon ( optional )

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Cowpea Thoran

The cowpea is also known as the Lobia or blackeyed pea. It is a good source of protien and some minerals. It is widely used in south-indian cuisine. The tender leaves are also edible and can be cooked in a similar way. The cowpea is used to make a variety of dishes and they are tasty too.It cooks well in very little water.


  • Wash the cowpea thoroughly. Chop finely. 
  • In a mixer jar pulse ( use the Whip Button ) the green chillies. Add the grated coconut, cumin seeds and garlic cloves. Pulse once more. Do Not grind into a paste. Keep aside.
  • Boil 1/2 cup water in a pan, add the chopped cowpeas, cover and cook for 3 - 4 minutes. Remove the lid, add salt, allow the water to dry off on medium flame. When it is almost dry, reduce flame to simmer and add the coconut mixture, mix well. Adjust salt. In another pan heat oil, add the chopped shallots, mustard seeds and red chillies which are broken into 2 or 3 pieces. When the mustard seeds start spluttering, add curry leaves and the cowpea mix into the pan, mix and remove from flame.

Serve with rice.


Cowpea - 300 grams
Coconut grated - 1/2 cup
Greenchilly - 2
Cumin seeds - 2 pinch
Garlic - 2 cloves

For seasoning:

Shallots  - 2 thinly sliced
Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Whole red chilly - 2
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Oil - 2 - 3 teaspoons 

Note: If you are going to use this dish immediately, you may avoid the seasoning.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Beetroot Chutney

Beetroots are a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains more Vitamin C than spinach. The nitrates in beetroot helps in lowering the blood pressure. It increases your stamina. A certain constituent in beetroot prevents birth-defects, so pregnant women must include it in their diet. The pigment that gives crimson color to beetroots can  prevent cancer. Beetroot detoxifies your body.

This is a sweet chutney. The taste of which enhances with time. 


Peel and chop the Beetroot and onion.
Grind all the ingredients into a coarse paste. Add little water if needed.
Heat a pan, add oil, mustard seeds, and broken red chillies. When the mustard starts spluttering add curry leaves. Add the ground mixture and cook for a few minutes while stirring.
This chutney is best when used after 2 -3 hrs.
Serve with rice. 


Beetroot - 1 medium sized
Onion - 1 small or a few shallots
Ginger - 1" piece
Garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
Green chilly - 2
Dry Red chilly - 2
Cumin seeds - 1/2 teaspoon or to taste
Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Tamarind Pulp - 1 tablespoon
Salt to taste

For Seasoning:

Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Dry red chilly - 2
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Oil - 2 teaspoon 

Sunday 21 June 2015

Puttu and Kadala curry / Steamed cake and Chickpea Curry

Puttu and kadala curry  are a popular breakfast dish in Kerala. A very healthy and wholesome combination. Puttu can be made with rice flour /wheat flour/ tapioca flour/  a mix of rice and ragi flour etc.

Chickpeas also known as Garbanzo beans or bengal gram must be a part of our daily diet. It is so nutritious that one cannot avoid it. It should be a part of the diet of  diabetics and people with high blood pressure. It contains lots of potassium and many other essential minerals which is good for bone health and the heart. Selenium a mineral present in chickpeas prevent tumor growth. 


Soak the chickpeas overnight.
Peel and chop the shallots coarsely. Pressure cook the soaked chickpea and shallots in 1 cup of water. Keep aside to cool.
Grind together coconut and all the other ingredients together.
Heat a pan. Add the oil, when it starts to boil add the chopped shallots, mustard seeds, dry red chilli pieces and curry leaves. When a good aroma arises, add the ground coconut mix and saute for a minute. Add the cooked chickpeas along with the water. Bring to a boil. Add salt to taste.

NOTE:If you are using coconut cream, add it towards the end. That is, after the whole thing coming to a boil, add the coconut cream, stir well and remove from the stove. No need to boil.

Serve hot with Puttu.


Chick pea / Kadala ( black ) - 1cup
Coconut grated - 1/2 cup or 1/3 cup coconut cream
Shallots - 10
Turmeric - 1/4 teaspoon
Red Chilly Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
Black pepper - 4
Cardamom - 1
Cinnamon - 1 inch piece
Cloves - 2
Fennel - 1/2 teaspoon
nut meg - a very small piece
Caraway seeds - 1 pinch ( optional )
Star Aniseed - 1 segment
Salt to taste

For seasoning:

Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
shallots ( chopped ) - 2 - 3
Dry red chillies - 2 ( each broken into 2 or 3 pieces )
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Oil - 1 tablespoon


Take 2 cups of flour in a mixing bowl. Add salt and mix well. Sprinkle water on the flour little by little and make a granular mixture. Be careful not to add too much water.

Heat 1cup water in a small pressure cooker. Close the lid. Don't put the weight.OR you can use a Puttu -Maker for the purpose.

Take the Puttu mold, usually bamboo-shaped, place the small steel plate with holes inside it. This will allow the steam to enter the mold without blocking the main inlet. Now add 2 - 3 tablespoon of coconut into the mold and see that it is evenly spread out. Over this fill the flour granules up to half of the mold, again add 2 - 3 tablespoon grated coconut, then again fill the mold to the top with the flour granules. Close with the lid .

 Place this on the steaming pressure cooker and steam cook for 5 - 7 minutes OR wait 2 minutes after you see steam coming out through the lid of the puttu mold. De-mold into a plate.

Repeat the process of filling the mould and steaming the puttu until the whole flour granules are used up.
Serve hot with kadala curry.

Ingredients for Puttu:

Whole wheat flour / Rice flour - 2 cups
Grated coconut - 1 cup
salt to taste

Thursday 14 May 2015

Baked Beans


Soak the Kidney beans overnight. Pressure cook the kidney beans along with the peppercorns in 2 cups of water.
Slice the onions thinly. If you are adding green chillies, slit each chilly and keep aside.

Heat oil in a large pan and and saute the onions till they are transparent. No need to brown.  Add tomato puree and cook on high heat, until oil separates. Stir continuously.  Add the cooked Kidney beans along with the water. Cook on high heat till the sauce thickens. Add the ketchup and vinegar, bring to a boil and remove from stove.

If you are adding green chillies add now.


  • Kidney beans - 1 cup                                                                                                                       
  • Peppercorns - 10 - 12
  • Onion - 1 large
  • Tomato puree - 1/2 cup
  • Tomato ketchup - 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt
  • Green chilly - 4 (optional)
  • Water - 2 cups

 pc google

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Kothu Paratta

Kothu Paratta /Kothu Parotta is a South Indian street food.

Chop the carrots, capsicum, onions, tomato and ginger into thin, long pieces.
Chop the green chillies finely.
Cook the frozen paratta on a tawa. Flip and cook both sides. When cool tear the parattas into small pieces.

Heat a large pan. Pour oil. Add the mustard seeds. When it starts spluttering, add the onion and curry leaves. Saute until the onions become transparent.
Add ginger and green chillies and stir.
Add the carrot, capsicum, tomato and the whole garlic. Stir and cook until soft.

Add the red chilly powder, garam masala, chaat masala and salt. Mix well.
Add the paratta pieces and stir well for a minute.
Add the coriander leaves, keep aside a table spoon for garnishing.

Break the eggs into the pan directly and stir continuously until the eggs are incorporated thoroughly.
Add the pepper powder and stir well till the wetness disappears. Remove from fire.

Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves/cilantro.

You can eat as it is or you can serve raita along with the Kothu Paratta.

Ingredients:                                                                                Serves 2
Frozen paratta : 3
Carrot- 2 small chopped
Capsicum - 1 small chopped
Onion -1 small chopped
Green chilly - 1 finely chopped
Garlic - 4 - 5 nos.
Ginger - 1 teaspoon grated
Tomato - 1 chopped
Eggs - 2
Red chilly Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Garam masala powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Chat masala - 1/4 teaspoon
Black pepper powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Coriander leaves - a handful
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tablespoon
Mustard seeds - 1/4 teaspoon

Friday 8 May 2015

Parippu Vada

Parippu vada / Masala vada is an easy to make tea-time snack, made with split chickpeas. A very tasty, savoury snack.

Chickpeas also known as Garbanzo beans or bengal gram must be a part of our daily diet. It is so nutritious that one cannot avoid it. It should be a part of the diet of  diabetics and people with high blood pressure. It contains lots of potassium and many other essential minerals which is good for bone health and the heart. Selenium a mineral present in chickpeas prevent tumor growth.


1. Soak the split chickpea and tuvar dal in water for half an hour.
2. Slice the shallots and cut green chilly into 4 or 5 pieces.
3. Drain the chickpeas and grind it coarsely. It is nice to see some whole split chickpea here and there. So on the safer side you can keep aside a tablespoon of chickpea, before grinding.

4. Mix the chickpea mix with shallots, green chilly, red chilly powder, whole black pepper, fennel seeds, curry leaves, coriander leaves and salt.
5. Divide the mixture into 6 parts. Roll each into a ball. Flatten each ball in the centre of your palms.

6. Heat oil in a pan. Deep fry the vadas on medium flame. Flip so that both the sides are evenly cooked.

Serve hot with hot tea.

                                                                                                        Makes 6
Channa Dal / Split Chickpea - 1/2 cup
Yellow lentil / Tuvar Dal - 1 tablespoon
Green Chilly - 1 - 2 nos.
Shallots - 4 - 5
Whole black pepper - 9 - 10
Fennel - 1/4 teaspoon
Red Chilly powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Curry leaves - a few
Coriander leaves - a handful
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

Thursday 30 April 2015

Kuzhi Paniyaram

Kuzhi Paniyaram is a fried dish made with idli batter. Very tasty. In some places this is served as a breakfast dish. I prefer it as a tea-time snack -  Hot and crispy with coconut chutney.


Ingredients:                                                    Makes 15 - 16 kuzhi paniyarams
Idly Batter - 1cup
Salt to taste
For seasoning:
Mustard - 1/4 teaspoon
Black gram split - 2 teaspoon
Shallots/ onion (chopped) - 3 tablespoon
Carrot (grated) - 1 medium sized
Green chilly (finely chopped) - 1
Curry leaves - a few
Oil - 2 teaspoons

 For Coconut chutney: 
Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
Shallots -   3 - 4
Green chillies -   4 - 5
Ginger - a thin slice
Water - 1/4 - 1/2 cup

For seasoning:
Mustard - 1/4 teaspoon
Whole red chillies - 2 (each cut into 2 or 3 pieces )
Shallots (chopped) - 2
Curry leaves - a few
Oil - 2 teaspoons


First we will make chutney, So that we will be able to devour the kuzhi paniyarams hot.

1. Grind together coconut, shallots, green chillies and ginger with little water to a smooth paste. Taste of the chutney depends on the quality and freshness of the coconut used.
2. Heat a pan, add oil and all the other seasoning ingredients. When the mustard starts spluttering, add water and bring to a boil.Lower the flame. Add salt and chutney paste. Mix well and remove from flame. Do not boil.  Trasfer to a serving bowl.

Making Kuzhi paniyaram:

1. Heat a pan, add 2 teaspoons of oil and add mustard. When it splutters add the chopped shallots/ onions. Stir fry. When it turns translucent add the carrot, green chilly and curry leaves. Stir for a minute or two on medium flame or until the mixture dries up. Allow it to cool for 5 minutes.

2.Add the carrot mixture into the batter and stir well. Adjust salt to your liking.

3. Wash and dry the Appam Patra. Pour half to one teaspoon of oil into each depression. Heat the Appam Patra on medium flame. When the oil starts boiling, drop a spoonful of batter into each depression. When one side is fried, flip and cook the other side. When both sides are golden brown, remove and drain on a paper towel.

Serve hot with coconut chutney, sambhar or any other chutney of your liking.

Monday 27 April 2015

Coconut and Rice Payasam

    I was on the look out for an easy payasam recipe. It was then i came across this one. When i went through the recipe i remembered having it some place. Very less ingredients, easy to prepare, and not too heavy. Thanks to Sharmi's                                      

Ingredients:                                                                                          Serves 4

1. Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
2. Raw rice - 3 tablespoon
3. Jaggery - 1/2 cup
4.Boiled milk - 1/4 cup
5. Water - 21/2 cups
6. Ghee - 2 teaspoon
7. Cardamom - 1/4 teaspoon
8. Cashew nuts - 6
9. Raisins - 10


  • Melt jaggery with little water. When it is one string consistency remove from fire. Strain and keep aside. 
  • Wash the rice and soak it in water for at least 30 minutes.
  • Grind rice and coconut with very little water and very very coarsely. Bigger grains of rice must be there, otherwise your payasam will turn out to be a sweet paste. 
  • Boil water in a heavy gauge saucepan. Lower the flame and add the coconut-rice mix. Let it cook.
  • Once the rice is cooked and the mixture is of porridge consistency, add the jaggery syrup. Stir well and cook for another 3 minutes.


Add the cardamom powder. Stir well and let the payasam cool for 10 minutes.
Break the cahewnuts into pieces and fry it and the raisins in ghee.
After the payasam cools a bit add the boiled milk and stir well. Add the fried nuts and raisins and stir once more.

Serve hot/warm/chilled.

Saturday 25 April 2015


   Nankhatais, the crispy and tasty indian shortbreads, are very easy to make. And i was waiting for a recipe which made use of healthier ingredients. Finally i got it from rak's kitchen.

Ingredients:                                                                               Makes 20 - 23

1.Grind the sugar and cardamom together into a fine powder.

2.Preheat oven to 180 degree C.

3.Sift together wheat flour, all purpose flour, sugar and baking powder, so that all the ingredients are mixed well. Add this to a bowl and mix well once more.

4.Add ghee little by little and rub into the flour mix. Continue this until you get a stiff dough. No Water.

5.Divide the dough into 20 equal parts.Roll each into a ball and flatten slightly. I used a cutter.

6.Line a cooking tray with cookie sheet / grease the tray with ghee and dust with flour. Place the nankhatais on the tray.

7.Bake for 10 -12 minutes at 180 degree C. Keep an eye on the nankhatais while baking, the colour must not change to dark brown. When you observe slight colour change take them out immediately ( don't follow the baking time strictly here, trust the appearence or you will be left with a handful of burnt nankhatais ) and cool on the wire rack. If you have a second batch, it will take even lesser time to bake.

Note:If you have pistachios, grind them coarsely. After rolling out and flattening the nankhatais, make a cross sign on each of them and top with the ground pistachios/ cashew nuts/ almonds and then bake.
Whole wheat flour - 3/4 cup
All purpose flour -1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup (You can use lesser quantity, if you wish)
Ghee (melted) - 1/2 cup (you may not need all)
Cardamom -1
Baking Powder - 1 pinch
Pistachios - 10 (optional) it is for garnishing